Former President Clinton is making yet another visit here in South Texas TODAY (the day before the election). President Clinton's visit again, is theorized to be pushed by Lencho Rendon. In fact the Caller Times alluded to L.R. Global (Lencho Rendon) coordinating this effort.
We dont know that Joe Benavides will make a better Commissioner than the incumbent

With this precinct I have not a vote however, the County Commissioners are engaged towards progress for our community as a whole.
We dont know that Joe Benavides will make a better Commissioner than the incumbent but I do know Joe was working and he volunteered out of his commitment to the community. Joe has over the years volunteered and donated his services diligently. One might argue he is only volunteering his time and services because he wants to "get elected".
I dont believe this is the case. I have known Joe for a little over two years and I know his father. In the past, Joe Benavides has run a couple of times for office but, he volunteers regardless of whether he is running or not.
Will Joe Benavides continue to volunteer if he wins?
We can only know after we vote for him.
We do know Joe Benavides' incumbent opponent was not volunteering at the Feast of Sharing.
Was she making a statement?
Is she is not worried about her challenger?
Does she not take him serious
Is this an indicator (that) she is not going to change her routine ways for her constituents as well? We do know how she failed to represent her constituency by all indications she is not going to change it.
After a little Homework Los Kenedeno's stands firmly in support of Joe Benavides.
Our reasoning is as follows:
The voting record & social proximity of the incumbent Precinct 1 Nueces County Commissioner coupled with recent 93.5 Radio Commentarios place her in harmony with Los Mamons De La Solomons (Lencho "BND" Rendon, Terry Shamsie, Oscar Ortiz & The Nephew Mouthpiece)
We have referred to one faction of these fair weather allies (of expedience) in the past as the “Shamsie Clique” or “Shamsie Cronies”. Shamsie’s support stems from the Office of Congressman Solomon Ortiz and certain other witnesses to the “Capelo Deal”. (Attorney Shamsie (along with George Finley {Defense Contractor & Nueces County Hospital District}) witnessed the transaction between Former State Representative Jaime Capelo and Attorney Rene Rodriguez)
Why was Shamsie never deposed?
Why was Finley never deposed?
Hugo Berlanga groomed Capelo for the JOB.
We must recall the allegations / criminal charges brought against now Republican Hugo Berlanga in effect forcing him to vacate his State Representative seat in Austin. Currently Capelo and Berlanga are both successful lobbyists in Austin!
Now back to the “Shamsie Cronies” it is rumored and warnings have been issued! The media is being “Strong Armed” financially! Elite and Power Brokers (Powercrats) within the Democratic Party are frowning on the media who promote any other option for the Democratic primary and certainly to support an independent will bring the wrath of both Parties! They are in essence saying, “we are going to use our Incumbent resources to discourage (SQUEEZE) clients from working with your business’ if you (the Media) speak negatively of Shamsie! Even if it is true.
From inside Robstown El Defenzor Newspaper writes:
Whispers have turned into shouts of discontent as the Rendon-Shamsie machine has openly sought to usurp and control all of Robstown and the northwest side.
The Hillary Clinton visit was a very clear example. Both Shamsie and Rendon orchestrated the event down Terry Shamsie Boulevard.
A Broken Promise to a child:
A little girl from our humble neighborhood of Casablanca in Robstown excitedly and anxiously awaited Senator Clinton’s arrival in order to present her with flowers. This was not to be. According to eyewitnesses and the little girl’s family, in a blatantly political move, Shamsie and his group TOOK THE OPPORTUNITY AWAY FROM THE LITTLE GIRL TO BESTOW FLOWERS UPON SENATOR CLINTON so Shamsie's daughter could present them to the Senator.
Does the Precinct 1 Nueces County Commissioner (incumbent) condone this type of elitist behavior?
Did our Precinct 1 Nueces County Commissioner stand up for this little girl?
NO, the Precinct 1 Nueces County Commissioner's acquiescence speaks volumes and validates her rubber stamp status as a Co-Opted Nueces County Commissioner.
Lencho Rendon, a once behind the scenes person for U.S. Congressman Solomon Ortiz, now is heavy handedly displaying his power and navigated the events, the media coverage and the access to the who, where and why of the Clinton visit(s).As Homero Villarreal laments
Many in Robstown are beginning to piece together that the Clinton visit was used as a Trojan horse to begin to fully develop the seeds that have been planted during Terry Shamsie's one and only term in office where his detractors indicate he was voted in as a Democrat and was clearly a ultra conservative Republican in the way he conducted business. In some areas he cut the Nueces County Budget to the bone and in other areas such as highway work to Dos Logistics and other choice contractors’ jobs were given liberally which has earned Shamsie not only a street named after him in Robstown, but also a new job as an accountant and “consultant” for the huge dollars such as the 20 million dollar school budget. Was Shamsie’s disappearance temporarily from political life a farce to gain even more power? No doubt that is why the Solomonistas, Rendon and Shamsie are lavishing support upon Peggy Banales. It is well-known that Banales awarded Robstown many Nueces County tax dollars over her own constituents on the west side of Corpus Christi and the Calallen area. Lest we not forget Shamsie resides down McKenzie road in Banales’ district and is whispered to have clandestine meetings there to launch the Trojan Horse. It is also known that Ruben Bonilla is angered by the votes that Banales gave on the port location and the large amount of money that Rendon and his newly minted company L.R. Global being managed by a close relative Joseph Ramirez, stand to make off the port business coming from Robstown.
When individuals like Shamsie and Rendon do not share power or opportunity and attempt to intimidate or co-opt individuals in the Hispanic community, it only saddens me all the more. It reminds me that despite 50 years of struggle for equal rights, all we are doing is replacing one white patron for another.
In this publication's concurring redirection we will rephrase: "that despite 50 years of struggle for equal rights, all we are doing is replacing one YANQUI for another.
All we can do is choose somebody else as Precinct 1 Nueces County Commissioner.
Joe Benavides has personally vowed:
- to bring transparency to the Nueces County Courthouse
- to remove the door from the hinges (He Will Practice An Open Door Policy)
- to be a short term commissioner (cleanse the Courthouse & move on to other places and do the same)
With Joe Benavides' incumbent opponent we dont have to ask her anything because we have her record to refer to.
Joe Benavides' Gives Us His Word
New leadership is vital to help make a difference in the lives of people, especially our children.
- I will be a full-time commissioner with an open door policy.
- I will vote against pay raises for commissioners for the next eight years.
- I will focus on issues that affect our youth, our seniors, and our hardworking county employees.
- I will make every effort to secure the livelihood and future of our county employees and law enforcement officers by providing cost of living raises and opportunities for advancement.
- I will make every effort to provide Justices of the Peace with case workers who can manage and reduce the truancy epidemic in our school system.
- I will never forget that I am a public servant and will be accountable as such to all tax payers, the true power of Nueces County.
Joe Benavides is real. He knows you all the time, whether you are rich or poor or well-known in the community. He will continue to know you after the election. If you don't know Mr. Joe by now, make it a point to meet him.
Joe Benavides is saying:
The Nueces County Commissioners are not spending our money wisely.It is a simple choice, vote for Joe or vote for the Solomonista.
His opponent has had her chance, now lets give another person a chance.
He will NOT give in to pressure
He is built strong and will not be pushed around or intimidated.
He didn't back down while serving in the Middle East, and won't back down if given the opportunity to serve Nueces County either.
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
Threats never really impress nor do they earn respect.Threats only work when fear is in the soul.
Why would one who has the means to harm hand over the road map. Cowards bow to men,we bow to Jesus Christ.
The crooks are getting desperate.
A battle royal on Shamsie blvd,why not?
Well, there is Ed Aparicio
And the BND BISD guy who died suddenly surrounded by the rumors of poisoning and the silencing of his family.
and then we got the Ports in Brownsville Nueces and now San Patricio Shores,
The ship fitting business and Defense Contracting and dont worry our inspectors have everything documented.All we need to do is correlate the arrivals and departures with the financial, travel, phone records, and let us not forget Old Robstown Road.
We are not unreasonable we only expect a reaching out fairly to the community
March 4, 2008 1:28 AM
Comment deleted
This post has been removed by the author.
March 4, 2008 9:52 PM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
The Mass Media are sore losers. Almost unbelief that Hillary whooped Obama in Texas.
The media networks have been very unfair and nonobjective obviously skewed for OBAMA.
I am turning off the television.
Congrats go out to Hillary Clinton. It is like they say, TEXAS, its a whole nother country
Great Work Ray Mc Murrey 144,000 votes aint no chump change! Keep your head high.
Joe B keep your head high! You received 41% of the vote. That is an accomplishment and a wake up call for the incumbent. I would hope her response would be to represent the ones who elected her and to discontinue assisting in the HOSTILE TAKE OVER agenda. It is amazing how incumbent candidates get upset and angered for pointing out weak spots in their armor. You did not lie, you were very honorable and never were you disrespectful to the incumbent.
Yours Truly,
March 4, 2008 10:12 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Well said Anton. Brother, that is why no one can disrespect you. Thank you for everything you do. You're right. Joe Benavides was a gentleman and he is a hero in this community.
March 4, 2008 11:40 PM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
Thanks for the kind words. Let's keep moving forward. We are calling for an investigation into the inappropriate & conflicting appointments, the consanguinity of the relationships of the appointees, the whole overture on San Patricio Shores, the BND inconsistencies and discrepancies.
We are also calling for an auditing of the Commissioners court finances and redirection diversion of funds. Also the activities of Legislators who have written legislation designed to usurp the public and to target the Honest Hardworking Citizens if this Great State.
INVESTIGATE where there is smoke there is fire and in this case a nuclear detonation.
Why is everybody looking the other way>
Great Work Homero
Big Cajones KTMV.
Dont worry these crooks wont be around till election time again.
Keep pounding and make all threats known to law enforcement; record all phone calls.
Nueces Democrats: Hegemony: Power, Culture & Ideology: Lencho Rendon: The Pimping Out Of The President & Hillary:
"Now back to the “Shamsie Cronies” it is rumored and warnings have been issued! The media is being “Strong Armed” financially! Elite and Power Brokers (Powercrats) within the Democratic Party are frowning on the media who promote any other option for the Democratic primary and certainly to support an independent will bring the wrath of both Parties! They are in essence saying, “we are going to use our Incumbent resources to discourage (SQUEEZE) clients from working with your business’ if you (the Media) speak negatively of Shamsie! Even if it is true."
It is a simple choice, vote for Joe or vote for the Solomonista.
March 3, 2008 7:29 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
March 3, 2008 9:10 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
no sense of values or principles. all about ktmv pocketing money. there is a cause and a place for homero villarreal. freedom of speech has been suppressed and homer was suppressed even on his radio show.enjoy your day in the son lackey joseph for lencho. you guys are targets.
March 3, 2008 9:14 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
no secret lencho and huerta are going to buy the tv station but that doesnt means selling out principles. Lencho is becoming a dictator. IF Watts couldn't do it why the hell does this oaf think he can do it without a law degree, without class and by trying to be a dictator. the gloves are off.
March 3, 2008 9:16 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The problem with power hungry people who don't stay lowkey is they get burnt. Take for example Mauricio who wanted to flash his money. Why do you think solomon Ortiz,Sr and Filemon Vela never get burned even when they piss some people off? Lowkey. Too bad Lencho didn't get any of that from being the right hand for so many years. And Shamsie is just plain crazy. He's bitter and angry about who knows what. But one thing we do know, these guys are going to make some stupid mistakes along the way. Number one: They are too in the spotlight and pissing the wrong people off. Bad move.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hispanics are racist about blacks. Admit it. You guys will bow down to a white guy but will go to hell before voting for a black.
February 17, 2008 12:19 AM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
A candid exchange with him and South Texas would be a start.
Hillary got punked and puppeted by the Brown Bag Mamones de la Maquinar.
What a bunch of quack quacks.
Please, there is only one race (the human race) and for President I am sweating just thinking about our limited options. Maybe one of the candidates will embrace the spirit of the unorthodox network of Los Kenedenos and El Defenzor.
Maybe one of these guys will get real and follow us as we clear the pathway. If one could work with us here in South Texas he / she would ascend to the White House. Our way , not the other way around. Why put a person in office if there is no recourse should he / she get an inflated ego or Tony Montana syndrome. What is so difficult about giving your word and not breaking it?
The BJ issue is minute compared to the one knee proposal followed by a late night inebriated booty call.
anon #1 there is no reason to remove any part of the comment.
I could vote for Michael Jordan and Gene Upshaw and Condi dont take no chit from any Country. For me the self dealing and profiteering in the recent appearance of the Senator from the Great State of NY demonstrated in a nut shell how the Maquinar de La Mamones would monopolize the money for their own self, pet projects and their sycophant token driven fan club.
February 17, 2008 4:58 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
please. let me show you why we need obama and a change: ortiz and lencho collaborated it. connie gutierrez and the tejano democrats are pushing for her you know there are bribes being put out there. connie gutierrez is a lying old crone who has flipped as a republican.
February 17, 2008 2:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
please. let me show you why we need obama and a change: ortiz and lencho collaborated it. connie gutierrez and the tejano democrats are pushing for her you know there are bribes being put out there. connie gutierrez is a lying old crone who has flipped as a republican.
February 17, 2008 2:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
please. let me show you why we need obama and a change: ortiz and lencho collaborated it. connie gutierrez and the tejano democrats are pushing for her you know there are bribes being put out there. connie gutierrez is a lying old crone who has flipped as a republican.
February 17, 2008 2:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
please. let me show you why we need obama and a change: ortiz and lencho collaborated it. connie gutierrez and the tejano democrats are pushing for her you know there are bribes being put out there. connie gutierrez is a lying old crone who has flipped as a republican.
February 17, 2008 2:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
please. let me show you why we need obama and a change: ortiz and lencho collaborated it. connie gutierrez and the tejano democrats are pushing for her you know there are bribes being put out there. connie gutierrez is a lying old crone who has flipped as a republican.
February 17, 2008 2:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
please. let me show you why we need obama and a change: ortiz and lencho collaborated it. connie gutierrez and the tejano democrats are pushing for her you know there are bribes being put out there. connie gutierrez is a lying old crone who has flipped as a republican.
February 17, 2008 2:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
please. let me show you why we need obama and a change: ortiz and lencho collaborated it. connie gutierrez and the tejano democrats are pushing for her you know there are bribes being put out there. connie gutierrez is a lying old crone who has flipped as a republican.
February 17, 2008 2:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I will say that when I was 5 I was lured by a black man to "play" with his daughter.
When I entered their home unbeknown to my mother (at the time)who knows what could have happened to me. I do not remember what I did to get them to take me to my mother but the yelling and intimidation, still haunts me. Next thing I know I was at my apartment door with them and my mother was told "she was shooting the finger".
I was catatonic and all I knew is that I could not trust an African adult again.
Either way I was never the same.
February 22, 2008 11:50 PM
Blogger The Advocate said...
He knows nothing of South Texas Culture but pretentiously carries on as he caters to us with rhetoric and appearance (outer).
He wrongfully acquired a my space account from a little person. Wrongfully Acquired is a nice way of saying he stole it, he took it by bullying his way to get it.
Whether it was his advisors, his staff or Obummer personally these are acts of an Elitist and there is absolutely no reason to place the Presidential Power in his hands.
We gave him the opportunity to explain his side but who are we to him and his best friend?
Scoffing and running away are not qualities befitting of a Human Being and certainly weeds him out as a Presidential hopeful in my eyes.
Hillary or McCain it is. Let us see WATT they can accomplish before we vote in November.
Not promises that never materialize.
February 23, 2008 1:08 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
ADVOCATE: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU BABBLING ABOUT? YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. MOST MEXICANS ARE AGAINST OBAMA FOR ONE REASON: HE'S BLACK. Your gibberish is so obscure and idiotic Kenedeno should pull your post. Get your facts straight.
February 25, 2008 10:59 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
That is the idiotic mentality that lands people behind the white house.
Obama is guilty of stealing anothers property.
He gave it back because it was something he wanted but whe he got it he no longer cared for it.
I will not condone the idiotic rhetoric that you are spewing.... why is race such an issue with you?
There are many blacks who do not like Obama, Condi and Colin Powell, what is your point?
What does his color matter when you are online WRITING your POV?
If you want censorship go to the democratic underground.
If you can afford it, then you will fit right in!!!!!!
Bring your plastic.
February 25, 2008 11:10 PM
Blogger The Advocate said...
Anonymous said...
"ADVOCATE: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU BABBLING ABOUT? YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. MOST MEXICANS ARE AGAINST OBAMA FOR ONE REASON: HE'S BLACK. Your gibberish is so obscure and idiotic Kenedeno should pull your post. Get your facts straight."
After inspecting the comment made by myself and in an attempt to discover from where your charged response emanates there are no correlations (in the comment) in relation to your response.
Clearly, the ethnic and racial attachments in reference to my comments are without reason or support.
One can only reason your statement "MOST MEXICANS ARE AGAINST OBAMA FOR ONE REASON: HE'S BLACK." was derived from and snatched out of thin air.
ONE REASON to be against Obummer regardless of race or creed is his wrongful acts committed in bad faith.
He wrongfully acquired a my space account from a little person. Wrongfully Acquired is a nice way of saying he stole it, he took it by bullying his way to get it.
Obummer is a very likable guy, very charming and seemingly too good to be true.
When something is too good to be true, it usually is.
Furthermore, his actions displayed reveal a severe flaw in his integrity.
I hope that was plain enough to be understood.
I apologize for any misunderstanding and thank you for your input.
Also, as far as the administration of this website, it should be noted Kenedeno has no administrative access but his input is highly valued.
February 26, 2008 1:10 AM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
Use anonymous buttons please. They are on for the next 240 hours.
What happened?
You know on second thought:
You walk into a room.
Confusion plays a solemn tune.
The Poet steals a thought.
His hands are red, the sinner caught.
Cyclical and round.
The hollow walls repeat the sound of someone falling down.
Someone falling down who looks like me.
Fingers sharp like knives, knives that thrust to kill.
Put it all away. Your heart has atrophied.
(Someone falling down who looks like me)
Fingers sharp like knives, knives that thrust to kill.
Put it all away. Your heart has atrophied (into nothing).
When will we rise above this place?
I'm tired of the fake smiles that you place.
[ Lyrics found at ]
The child's mind a tainted fate.
Anonymous. Anonymous.
Anonymous. I am Anonymous.
Unerring mortal soul, at least you'd like to think.
Your palpitating heart, a small and empty thing.
Evil are your words and poison is your stare.
Was is just reaction and did you really care?
When will we rise above this place?
I'm tired of the fake smiles that you place.
The child's mind a tainted fate.
Anonymous. Anonymous. Anonymous. I am Anonymous.
Send your angels down. As I say a prayer for them.
These bastard souls have wronged me (robbed me) once again
Send your angels down. As I say a prayer for them.
These bastard souls have wronged me (robbed me) once again
Send your angels down. As I say a prayer for them.
These bastard souls have wronged me (robbed me) once again
Take a peek at the anonymous EL Jefe enter stage left at
He is coming to take over the valley.
February 28, 2008 11:04 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
kenedeno has no administrative access? who else runs blogs in Texas? He's da man!Say what you will... I remain loyal to Anton no matter what.
February 28, 2008 11:09 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
oh shit, kenedeno in the house. cover blown. abort. abort. J.R. you moron! Don't play with fire even if Lencho tells you to.
February 28, 2008 11:11 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
WATT was the shin dig with the Precinct Chairs yesterday?
Was this a public meeting or a Chair Massage?
Was J.R. one of masseuses?
Why Robstown?
February 28, 2008 11:21 PM
Collapse comments
Anonymous Anonymous said...
PLEASE KENEDENOS! YOU KNOW WHY. He is a rake and everything is for him. He's been seen again and again with Republicans that he has blasted. I hear Lencho is even giving this guy money. Why is it a carpetbagger is getting money for a rag that is left wing socialist crap? Please don't even think Kelleyis there to help the Democratic party. His failed run for Democratic Chair and the way he ran Air America into the ground are only signs of things to come. ANONYMOUS 17.
February 10, 2008 11:59 PM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
The Heron will sleep with what ever cause that is ready made with a large demographic jumping on the bandwagon.
Any cause that he can look like he got the thing together but in reality the cause will always succeed without him, without the boring rhetoric and without him claiming it as a victory of his own.
February 11, 2008 12:35 AM
Blogger dannoynted1 said...
OMG~ John Kelley is "not here to solve any one's problems."
Yup he was right about that. He has been the most boring writer and orator I wasted time listening to.
He is here to help divide and (succeed) conquer. Or maybe just cause problems and waste resources, time and paid to do it.
He is what he is. Propaganda,pretending people pay attention to "puro pedo"......
What A Putz.
February 16, 2008 1:57 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Lencho and Solly would rather pay a carpetbagger than support anyone locally. Show's the character. What do you expect from a gimp/pimp and a daddy's boy?
February 16, 2008 11:42 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
A gimp/pimp?
What and who is the pimp?
A gimp?
February 22, 2008 11:36 PM
In a latest rumor of favoritism Roland Garza SHOCKJOCK is busted again for cocaine and the congressman Ortiz is trying to intercede with Carlos Valdez? Why didn't the congressman stick up for Celis and get that dismissed! Let's talk about Carlos Valdez sense of fairness on prosecution. The dance instructor who allegedly was a molester stood in the way of a land deal of one of Valdez' cronies from the Garibaldi breakfast club. Let's talk about it. Write a book about that Carlos, not on Selena.
posted by themericanprince at 10:49 PM on Feb 10, 2008
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I heard that. Carlos VAldez is very corrupt. Slamming mexicans left and right and son of a bitch is arrogant as hell. Fuera with that pendejo. I remember him as a bug tooth skinny son of a gun. Fuera. He's a puppet for the establishment. He and his Garibaldi breakfast club.
February 10, 2008 11:44 PM
Blogger dannoynted1 said...
Why would Congressman Solomon P.Ortiz do anything for Roland Garza?
What does the agency who busted him have to say about this cover up?
I heard him on the radio and he said his wife died and his baby almost did, what is the truth?
I tried to confirm this story and was told "He is lying piece of shit, his wife left him."
Does anyone know if he lied to his audience?
February 11, 2008 1:24 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I enjoy reading your comedy blog. I'm just wondering if you folks ever prove anything that you write? Let me guess D'anoying1 will respond with lyrics of a song and say a tickler of events to come and say some other strange things. Show some proof and your blog would be better.
February 12, 2008 8:17 AM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
You can stand in that river as long as you like Mr Anonymous.
Everybody who knows anything know D1 is not a prevaricator.
WATTS a matta are the song lyrics too much or is it they are on target.
If you would like to respond to documented articles, there are plenty of links in corroboration showing proof.
I think you are referring to the TLR BACALA Insurance Cronies.
We prove it everyday. We do not hide our words behind an anonymous identity. We prove ourselves everyday, where are you?
Still hiding.
Truly it is rather unintelligent and fruitless to attack our credibility,..... for then you only confirm our work moreso.
You were better off to have remained silent and let everyone think you are a fool. Now you publish a knee jerk response prove it.
Dont you have a better punch than that?
However, we do appreciate your input.
February 14, 2008 1:47 AM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
You can stand in that river as long as you like Mr Anonymous.
Everybody who knows anything know D1 is not a prevaricator.
WATTS a matta are the song lyrics too much or is it they are on target.
If you would like to respond to documented articles, there are plenty of links in corroboration showing proof.
I think you are referring to the TLR BACALA Insurance Cronies.
We prove it everyday. We do not hide our words behind an anonymous identity. We prove ourselves everyday, where are you?
Still hiding.
Truly it is rather unintelligent and fruitless to attack our credibility,..... for then you only confirm our work moreso.
You were better off to have remained silent and let everyone think you are a fool. Now you publish a knee jerk response prove it.
Dont you have a better punch than that?
However, we do appreciate your input.
February 14, 2008 1:48 AM
Blogger dannoynted1 said...
ANON: "I enjoy reading your comedy blog. I'm just wondering if you folks ever prove anything that you write?"
D1: "If you are so curious then why are you writing under anonymous?
Keep reading and quit you ever do anything original?"
February 14, 2008 2:59 AM
Blogger The Advocate said...
FYI to Readers
posted by Paul Burka at 4:37 PM
I am working on a follow-up to the blog post about the dispute involving Dannenbaum Engineering Corporation and the Port of Brownsville over a proposed bridge to Matamoros. It turns out to be one of those South Texas stories that's hard to unravel. More to come ....
Blogger Melissa Zamora said...
Looking forward to it! Give 'em hell.
Did you know that Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. is a consultant for DEC? Yup.
Did you know that millions were transferred to overseas accounts that were untraceable? Yup.
Did you know that engineering plans have yet to be produced? Yup.
Did you know that the so-called "settlement agreement" that DEC's yet to meet is online at the Port of Brownsville Web site? Yup.
Did you know that Lucio promised The Brownsville Herald, and in writing, too, to end all consulting work? Yup. Did he? Nope.
Did you know that James Dannenbaum has "consultants" everywhere and when they run into trouble he suddenly doesn't know who they are? Yup.
There's some great investigative work at the Herald. I should know. I used to work there.
October 25, 2007 9:24 PM
Blogger Emanuel Anthony said...
New UT Regent Dannenbaum Donated to Cobos, Teran
by Sito Negron and Rene Leon
Newspaper Tree
James Dannenbaum, owner of Houston-based Dannenbaum Engineering and a recent appointee by Gov. Rick Perry to the UT System Board of regents, gave County Judge Anthony Cobos a $2,000 campaign donation earlier this year, records show.
Posted on October 23, 2007
New UT Regent Dannenbaum Donated to Cobos, Teran
James Dannenbaum, owner of Houston-based Dannenbaum Engineering and a recent appointee by Gov. Rick Perry to the UT System Board of regents, gave County Judge Anthony Cobos a $2,000 campaign donation earlier this year, records show.
In a mandated periodic report filed with the Texas Ethics Commission, Cobos listed a $2,000 donation received on Jan. 29 from Dannenbaum; it was the largest contribution he received in the period covering Jan. 15 through July 15, 2007. [report]
Travis Ketner, Cobos’ former chief of staff, alleged in May in a court document known as an information that in January of this year Cobos met with representatives for vendors seeking to secure county contracts. [information]
The documents claims that individuals, named within as John CC7 and John CC8, met with John CC5 in his county office. John CC5 is described within the document only as a recently elected county official, although the actions described in the document make it clear that John CC5 is Cobos.
John CC7 and John CC8, respectively, are described as “a member of the Board of Directors of R.E. Thomason Hospital” and “a vendor seeking a contract with the county of El Paso to provide actuarial and dental services.”
John CC7 is widely thought to be Arturo Duran, a member of the Thomason Board, and John CC8 has been identified in media reports as Roger Garza, president of Valley Risk Consultants.
Ketner claims that in the bathroom of Cobos’ office, Duran, acting on behalf of “VRC” and “DC,” promised Cobos a $2,000 campaign contribution in exchange for his votes to secure county contracts for “VRC” and “DC.”
Additionally, Ketner alleges that Duran promised Cobos that $1,000 campaign contributions would be made to John CC13 and John CC14 for their votes to secure county contracts for “VRC” and “DC.”
John CC13 and John CC14 are identified in the document as elected county officials; from the document, it can be surmised that they are County Commissioners Luis Sarinana and Miguel Teran, respectively.
Campaign records for Teran show a $1,000 contribution from Dannenbaum received on April 11, and a $1,000 donation from "Fund for the Future," which has the same address as Dannenbaum, given on March 22. [report]
Records for Sarinana do not show any donations made by Dannenbaum, with the only $1,000 donations coming from Alfredo Corral of El Paso and the El Paso Sheriff’s Officer’s Association.
The records for Cobos, Sarinana and Teran do not show any donations from Garza. Valley Risk was an unsuccessful bidder for a county health contract.
While the El Paso Times identified "DC" as Dannenbaum Construction, there is no company with that name registered with the Secretary of State.
However, at a March 8 Commissioner’s Court meeting, a representative from Dannenbaum Engineering, along with partners from Mega Services, went before the court to give a presentation on dredging levees in the county. No contract was awarded. [minutes]
Mega Services is owned by Arturo Duran, who runs the business from his home. Neither Cobos nor Duran returned telephone calls seeking comment.
Dannenbaum said the company interacted with Duran when he was head of the International Water and Boundary Commission, because Dannenbaum was doing work in the lower Rio Grande for Hidalgo and Cameron Counties.
“We had made some inquiry to his staff for hydrologic data for engineering studies,” Dannenbaum said, “so we did have some contact when he was commissioner."
Dannenbaum said that Duran is not an employee of Dannenbaum Engineering, but that "we may after he left office have employed him for some help in getting some information from IBWC because we have ongoing work on the levees for McAllen, Hidalgo and Cameron County.
"It is possible he might have been employed to assist in getting data but … I know absolutely we did not contract with him to represent us or lobby for us.”
Dannenbaum said he remembered one of his employees giving Cobos a $2,000 check during a fund-raiser.
"I didn’t give it to him myself because I wasn’t in town, but he had a public fundraiser in a hotel in El Paso that somebody from our firm attended," he said. "I did make a contribution to the judge because we are active … not as a construction firm, active as a design firm, in the El Paso area."
Dannenbaum said he did not recall the employee who passed along the check, stating that his company has 200 employees.
He denied any wrongdoing, and said he had not been contacted by the FBI in regards to the public corruption investigation. “We’re not being investigated in any way, shape or form in El Paso,” Dannenbaum said.
He added that he did not believe any of his employees would have done anything wrong: "We have a very rigid code of ethics and policies and procedures about what we do and the way we conduct business, and anybody who did anything other than deliver a legitimate campaign contribution that had been requested by an office holder trying to pay off campaign debt or whatever it was would have been at serious risk of termination. It's extremely difficult for me to believe any of our people would have done anything."
He also cast doubt upon Ketner's allegations, as have other people implicated in Ketner's plea.
"I have no reason to believe whatever this fellow (Ketner) has said because we all know when they get into those things somebody tells them what they would like them to say and then they say it," Dannenbaum said.
He pointed to his company's long track record and his family's involvement in civic affairs.
“It might be of interest to you to know our firm has been in continuous operation for 62 years with never any criticism or any of the type of things you're asking about and I have been appointed by every governor since Preston Smith to positions of public trust and responsibility on various boards and commissions,” Dannenbaum said.
He said that he discussed issues related to claims against his company with the governor's staff prior to the appointment. His company has been embroiled in controversy regarding its projects in the Rio Grande Valley, with a civil lawsuit recently being dismissed.
Krista Moody, spokeswoman for Gov. Rick Perry, said "the governor is aware of the civil lawsuit brought against Mr. Dannenbaum. I am not aware of any other indictments or investigations.
"The governor believes Mr. Dannenbaum will serve the UT System with the utmost integrity and character."
October 26, 2007 2:18 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You know, it is really not hard to unravel. You just have not been following it.
October 26, 2007 2:33 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Both the Lucio and Ortiz father-and-son teams are a disgrace. If you can report the facts which would shut 'em down before those kleptocrats can promote their half-wit progeny to even higher office, you'd be doing Texas a real service.
October 28, 2007 5:55 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The almost certain no-bills of central figures in the Port bridge controversy will figure prominently in the Cameron County DA's race between the former Chairman of the Brownsville Navigation District - Peter Zavaletta - and the incumbent Armando Villalobos.
Want another interesting fact? Dannenbaum makes a campaign contribution to Lucio III, who 2 days later makes a contribution to DA Villalobos.
October 29, 2007 9:06 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Baby Sucio Lucio may be even worse than his good-for-nothing father.
October 30, 2007 9:19 AM
Blogger Sal Costello said...
Dannenbaum is often at the heart of many special interest road and toll road deals that are usually not in the publics best interest.
Dannenbaum has been known to have sitting commissioners, such as former Hays County Commish Bill Burnett, on the payroll while the Commish votes on MPO projects that benefit Dannenbaum.
And of course Dannenbaum and it's president (James D. Dannenbaum), are big contributers to politicos who seek to build the more expensive toll roads over free roads. At times special interests shift our freeways to toll ways using Comprehensive Development Agreements (CDAs).
CDA's are secret road and land development contracts that hand over our tax dollars, our public highways, our right of way, and our private property to private corporations for profit.
Sal "The Muckraker" Costello
October 30, 2007 10:05 AM
Blogger Melissa Zamora said...
Great info, Sal. Thanks!
October 30, 2007 10:27 AM
Blogger The Merovingian said...
I know we will get to the bottom of this. We are certainly in the middle of it, already.
"Of course I know. It is my business to know." -The Merovingian
October 30, 2007 11:23 AM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
Rose The Scratch Off Clerk & The Congressman & Puerta Kenneth Lencho Cohen Rendon & The Policeman.
Posted on November 11, 2007 at 08:55:36 AM by Jaime Kenedeno
Homework 1111007 Compare & Contrast
Rose The Scratch Off Clerk & The Congressman & Puerta Kenneth Lencho Cohen Rendon & The Policeman.
Start with the theoretical lotto working it to insider trading and $45 and unconscionable.
Then the Writ of Mandamus preparation.
Del Mar Academic Environment and inspired by Tenured Faculty
Del Mar Academic Environment and the proposed policy implementation direct retaliation response inspired by Tenured Faculty who currently rebuke the upper level administration without fearing a WIA specialty Hvalinka V Schubert coins as the Modification of one's JOB Opportunities. To even slightly whittle away any of these protections or to make them unachievable or more difficult to achieve (raise the Bar) will create an imprudent and an even more unbalanced version of Higher Education. If the number of Tenured Faculty increases so does the influence of the Educators ( Academic Environment). To implement this proposed policy (by a temporary College President catering to a table of decadence & Political Riff Raff) will lower the number of Tenured Faculty so flows the influence of the Educators.
Tenured Faculty in tandem with the entire faculty are the check and balance to the Political subdivision, all of its riff raff "and the like" who Yanqui and abuse their power.
Is there a difference?
Why do some reap large financial rewards, business contracts, and brown bag agreements while others work hard all of their life to get fired for a used truck and others work through college graduate and work up the latter just to be knocked down and sentenced to jail time for $45 *As per TPU 105.
February 15, 2008 6:06 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Posting links to other Blogs is far from providing proof. Once again where is the Proof about Valdez?
February 15, 2008 6:59 AM
Blogger The Advocate said...
I can only speak from my own experiences but better yet i will ask a couple of questions in demonstration.
Why did Valdez not bring the Kingsville Sherriff Tony Gonzalez into the Modesto Debacle>
Why did Valdez go after Crocker and Granato?
Why did Valdez allow Hubert to acquiesce and benefit from confessing error?
Why did the Moff case evaporate?
Why does Valdez purposely ignore / not address the allegations of high end properties being lost to loansharks operating in close proximity to the tax assessors office?
Now, to address the links and the articles there within.
The burden to disprove remains in your court.
Several of the links are linked fundamentally to mainstream media or other reputably accepted documentation.
I can say that what Roland Garza says on the radio should not be reduced because of an allegation or even if it is true his words can be either proven or not without bringing in undocumented allegations. We dont always agree with Roland but it is a good thing that his show is on the radio. I will say I do not believe Danny Noyola assaulted him and the charges were never followed up.
Now if some of the VIP players get arrested and the charges disappear how can this be proven without an investigation?
Now we do recognize there is a term called Prosecutor Discretion but it is being questioned in a quite unorthodox and hostile accusatorial methodology. Information originating from the roots cannot be ignored.
As my father always said to me, " Son,.... where there's smoke, there is fire"
You dont need to believe me for it to be true and frankly it sounds like a personal problem to me; however there are many others who read our words daily, they do believe.
I do believe Valdez has become involved in the Political agenda involving his office in political threats of prosecution but why has he not involved his office into the self dealings of Shamsie, Delay, Rendon, Dos Logistics, Omega, Rainbow building Max Rodriguez and CC DISTRIBUTORS.
Why has Valdez not nosed into the residences of Solly Ortiz or His Father like he did with Linda Garcia?
Why does he single out Celis when there is many others who operate in the same manner as it is a agreed norm in the Legal Community.
Why can he prosecute a little person for 45$ and waste over $75,000 trying to make it stick when he wont prosecute a DWI because the perpetrator is a VIP or a Brother of a Powerful Politician?
Why wont he prosecute a Judge who propositions the wrong streetwalker on Leopard?
Go back and do the research and tell which docket referee took a few months off back a few summers ago and then look into the response made by the spouse.
Now, ask yourself why is the Democratic Party on trial in time with an upcoming election?
Anyway, all that said I think Valdez spoke for himself very eloquently and respectfully in response. I believe he has seen an error in his ways and is making the correction. I hope so.
Sometimes when one fights monsters he must be careful to not become one himself.
February 15, 2008 8:45 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You can say all you want in your post but again you fail to prove anything. Without Real PROOF you remain nothing more that another political HACK for hire just like those you complain about.
You say "The burden to disprove remains in your court" No Sir the BUREN OF PROOF REMANINS WITH YOU! you are making statments and alligations, with out proof it is just political talk nothing more that sour grapes on your part.
Once again Get me PROOF. I remain waiting for it.
February 15, 2008 7:16 PM
Blogger The Advocate said...
Who is Carlos Valdez Brother in Law?
Ed Aparicio
Valley politicos
Those who the message is meant for understand perfectly well.
My credibility supersedes your rhetoric and your lack of due diligence.
Do some homework for you are way behind.
You are nobody because you are anonymous and your words have absolutely zero impact.
I never have claimed Valdez to be corrupt.
February 15, 2008 8:36 PM
Blogger The Advocate said...
you sound like carlos himself.
Is that you godfather?
Don Carlitos?
February 15, 2008 8:37 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"You are nobody because you are anonymous and your words have absolutely zero impact"
But yet you call yourself Jaime Kenedendo and Dannoynted1, YOU are the ZERO! once agian PROOF! Where is it Chubby boy.
February 15, 2008 8:43 PM
Blogger The Advocate said...
Didn't Samuel Clements call himself Mark Twain?
Everybody knows who we are. We are here for a reason and it is not to be a politician.
As said previously, the credibility supersedes the rhetoric.
Main Entry:
anon·y·mous Listen to the pronunciation of anonymous
Late Latin anonymus, from Greek anōnymos, from a- + onyma name — more at name
1 : not named or identified an anonymous author they wish to remain anonymous 2 : of unknown authorship or origin an anonymous tip 3 : lacking individuality, distinction, or recognizability the anonymous faces in the crowd the gray anonymous streets — William Styron
"Anonymous Coward" is a term applied within some online communities to describe users who post without a screen name; it is a dummy name attributed to anonymous posts used by some weblogs that allow posting by people without registering for accounts.
Now that depends on your definition of anonymous.
For the record I wrote, "You are nobody because you are anonymous and your words have absolutely zero impact."
Anonymous (indeed a Comedy of Errors) responded with an inflection of the reverse mirror image, "YOU are the ZERO! once agian PROOF! Where is it Chubby boy.
JK's response: I did not call "Anonymous (indeed a Comedy of Errors)" a zero nor did I make any ad hominem argument.
When deficient in intellect or without reason one begins to resort to name calling. Try a little harder to follow the rules lest be disqualified before we even get started, kind of like sinking the eight ball before sinking your own 7.
rack em up!
you break.
Finally there is a pending inquiry, Where is it"
JK's response, I got it right here. If you want it,..... here it is come and get it.
Or better yet go do some homework so as to keep pace with the rest of us. We have already covered the subject matter and will be applying it as appropo.
February 16, 2008 12:59 AM
Blogger The Advocate said...
Oh yeah, next time we go to KIKO's it is on you.
February 16, 2008 1:03 AM
Blogger dannoynted1 said...
Kiko's ?????These people welch on their agreements, lie while looking (me) right in the eye.
I suggest they liquidate, lest it is their turn to compensate the "pied piper" .......usually though regulators just silently confiscate.
I wonder~~~~ why do they lie?
Pending pendejoism?
or just destined to ruin any credibility they might have once possessed?
Too bad his words lack any.
But thank you for trying.
February 16, 2008 1:25 AM
Blogger dannoynted1 said...
Yellow: "You say "The burden to disprove remains in your court" No Sir the BUREN OF PROOF REMANINS WITH YOU! you are making statments and alligations, with out proof it is just political talk nothing more that sour grapes on your part."
D1: "Learn how to spell and/or use spell check, that way you at least "remain" you know how to "proof" read.
Now, meet the evidence........"YOU are the ZERO! once agian PROOF!"
LOL~~ROTFLMAO~~~~"SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
If you are too lazy or just too "PSYCHA" to do your own work it is probably because you never learned how to spell........proof that the reason you are anonymous is you are ashamed and a selfish "id".
If I were you I would hate myself too.
Pray~ maybe God will provide you proof that you need to pray.
Then again, look in the mirror and you will see all the proof you need.
February 16, 2008 1:40 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous2 to anonymous1: Shut the hell up. Kenedeno and Dannoyted always do their homework and have blown the lid off of shit time and time again. If it weren't for them we would have no alternative media. Thank God for their blog Realsouthtexaspolitics and helping on Defenzor. GMAFB. I know you are a Lencho suckass and Roland Garza is a fucking coke addict drunk. We all know it. By the way he is washed up. As far as the other Lencho crew: Shamsie is back and up to no good and Joseph is carrying Lencho's water. They are lining their own pockets. You don't get a street named after you in Robstown and become their "accountant" for the school board on a 20 million dollar budget for nothing. Lencho's library and bridge in the valley to nowhere. By the way: Welcome Valleyites!!! You guys know your politics and can expose the Ortiz machine once and for all. Don't let Solly Jr. take his dad's slot. Nothing but selfish motives and he is a spoiled kid. He could give a flying fig about anyone else but him. I also hear he has a problem with the devil's dandruff and takes walks on the wildside. NO MORE ORTIZ MACHINE!NO MORE ORTIZ MACHINE!NO MORE ORTIZ MACHINE!PEOPLE ARE SICK AND TIRED. I have been burned by that machine way too long and will seek my revenge on them.They hurt me and my family for nothing. I was as they say collateral damage and they used me on their campaigns and then threw me away like a piece of garbage. Disgrunted with a capital D. God forgive me for what I will reveal and was on their machine for far too long. Thank you Jaime and wife for this blog. God bless you. The Lord shall absolve me, I know it.
February 16, 2008 11:55 PM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
Now connect the dots.
It's a family affair
Tom DeLay's payouts to friends and family are nothing new -- for nearly a decade he's truly been his brother Randy's keeper.
By Joe Conason
Pages 1
Apr 8, 2005
For a politician who is so plainly annoyed by liberals seeking to embarrass him, Tom DeLay has always made himself an easy target. Accusations of corruption against DeLay are hardly new, since the public record of his disdain for ethical standards dates back at least a decade. But now the national media, liberal and otherwise -- including the Wall Street Journal editorial page -- have shown renewed curiosity about the workings of DeLay Inc., the majority leader's gargantuan, greasy machine for fundraising and lobbying.
With investigations of DeLay cronies proceeding in both Washington and Texas -- and indictments against three of his closest associates in Austin -- that machine is starting to resemble a beleaguered criminal syndicate. According to recent estimates, the Republican lobbyists who formerly worked for the House majority leader have raked in more than $40 million. That figure doesn't include the enormous and notorious rip-off of several Indian tribes perpetrated by lobbyists Jack Abramoff, Michael Scanlon and Ralph Reed, which is currently being probed by the Justice Department.
Wednesday, in the latest episode, reporters reopened the files on the Texan's family, with a front-page New York Times examination of $500,000 in payments from DeLay's political and "charitable" groups to his wife, Christine, and his daughter Dani DeLay Ferro during the past four years. His office explained that the missus, who stays home in Sugar Land, Texas, "provides big picture, long-term strategic guidance and helps with personnel decisions." (Isn't that special?)
Such high-dollar family values bring the DeLay saga full circle -- all the way back to the original ethics case against the majority leader brought by the Congressional Accountability Project, a watchdog group affiliated with Ralph Nader. Nine years ago, the watchdog group filed a complaint with the House Ethics Committee that focused on the activities of DeLay's younger brother Randy. A failed restaurateur and attorney who had filed for bankruptcy in 1992, Randy's fortunes brightened considerably after Tom rose to the House leadership -- and Randy started handing out business cards as a Washington lobbyist.
For the past several years, after drawing unwanted attention to the DeLay family's business methods, Randy DeLay has kept his head down -- but kept doing business exactly the same way.
Back in 1995, the year of the Republican "revolution" that brought his brother to power, Randy DeLay first turned up as a lobbyist employed by Cemex, the Mexican cement monopoly suspected of illegal economic "dumping" of its product in the United States. He joined with the powerhouse Texas law firm of Fulbright & Jaworski to protect Cemex from sanctions. Meanwhile, Tom DeLay wrote articles and circulated letters among his congressional colleagues, urging the Commerce Department to refrain from punishing Cemex for trade violations.
In the usual course of congressional procedure, the House Ethics Committee -- then chaired by Rep. Nancy Johnson, R-Conn. -- applied a fine coat of whitewash to this apparent violation, ultimately dismissing the complaint against DeLay. But a question still lingered: Why would Cemex, represented by one of the best-connected and most skillful lobbying law firms in the country, require the costly services of a two-bit Houston lawyer like Randy DeLay?
Reporters in Texas and Washington found that Cemex was not alone in discerning Randy's hidden abilities. A coalition of special interests seeking federal funds to build an interstate highway from Texas into Mexico, known as I-69, likewise found reason to hire the younger DeLay. (Between 1995 and 2000, he was paid almost $400,000 for his work on the project.) So did Union Pacific Railroad, which faced opposition to its monopolistic merger with Southern Pacific -- and which had also hired Fulbright & Jaworksi to lobby for the deal.
Coincidentally, Tom DeLay mobilized his clout behind both Interstate 69 and the Union-Southern merger, rounding up colleagues to emphasize his support.
While the majority leader and his brother both escaped any official sanction for these gross examples of influence peddling, Tom realized that Randy had become an embarrassment. He declared that his little brother had become persona non grata in his office. Of course, he added, Randy had never had any influence over him anyway.
Indeed, an intimate 2001 Washington Post profile of the Hammer and his family rather credulously suggested that the earlier ethics flap permanently ruptured the relationship between Tom and Randy. "Tom said, 'I can't afford you as a brother right now. You chose lobbying over me,'" Randy told the Post. He said that Tom had "cut him off cold," and not spoken to him since. More recently, however, Randy seems to have realized that such tales might be bad for business. Last July, he told the Corpus Christi Caller-Times that stories of their estrangement are untrue.
"I specifically do not discuss with my brother, nor does he know any of my clients, nor do I know his staff or what they do," he insisted. "We just don't discuss those matters. I love my brother to death and I'm very proud of all the things he's doing. It's just the innuendos and the implications behind those innuendos that I get tired of."
Yet during the past four years, Randy DeLay has quietly continued to acquire lobbying clients, particularly in South and West Texas. Local officials in the Lone Star State clearly believe that they can still purchase the good will and assistance of the majority leader by hiring his brother. The local newspapers, though largely ignored by the national media, have been following DeLay's controversial lobbying career quite closely -- because the county taxpayers keep asking why they must hire the majority leader's brother to obtain adequate representation in Washington. After all, they ask, isn't Tom DeLay supposed to help his home state without the necessity of paying his brother?
Just to make sure, county officials have been signing deals with brother Randy.
In Brownsville, the local navigation district hired him to obtain millions in federal funding for deepening river channels. According to the Caller-Times daily newspaper, Randy DeLay has been hired to promote Brownsville's Brazos Island Harbor and the Corpus Christi Packery Channel dredging projects, as well as a railway-truck bridge to Mexico and other projects. The paper notes that Tom DeLay has weighed in to push the same projects. Last February, the Regional Transportation Authority in Corpus Christi also found $120,000 in its strapped budget to hire Randy. Again, some local officials objected, wondering why they had to hire him when other lobbyists are already on the payroll. But that contract went through anyway.
In Reeves County, local officials hired Randy DeLay to lobby the Federal Bureau of Prisons to place inmates in their county's privately run detention facility. He was paid $120,000 per year, plus expenses, to get federal prisoners placed in the Reeves County Detention Center. Even after the detention center won a three-year deal with the Bureau of Prisons, the county renewed DeLay's contract again.
In Nueces County last year, officials proposed to award Randy DeLay a lucrative contract to protect the region's military bases from being shut down by the Pentagon. He would have shared that one-year contract, worth $1.2 million, with former Bush aide and Federal Emergency Management Administration director Joe Allbaugh. (The two lobbyists said they "wanted to help Nueces County protect its bases from the latest round of closings as a way to give back to Texas." Isn't that special, too?)
That fat deal fell through, but some time later the DeLay brothers' local congressional ally, a Democrat named Solomon Ortiz, explained why he had endorsed the lobbying scheme. Asked whether he had urged local officials to hire Randy DeLay, Ortiz told the Caller-Times that "you don't advertise these things. The things these people were trying to do were tainted by disclosing them. There goes our big chances of getting help from sources that were willing to help."
Willing to help -- as those dedicated DeLay family members are always so eager to do -- if the price is right.
February 17, 2008 5:01 AM
Blogger Kenedeno Media said...
Crowds follow Ortiz on bathroom break
February 17, 2008 7:27 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I am sad for Hillary now that spo is alleged to have currently be giving that same money to those "charities" ~~~when Celis gave money to Hillary.
Perhaps if he(spoj) is influential he can get Hillary to give her money from Celis donated to give his south side district a boys and girls club desperately needed.
The old cine 6 or pdplaza would do alot of good.
But you & i both know the likely hood that any "skate park or boys & girls club in that location is a JOB for "Trouble shooters"!
February 18, 2008 11:11 PM
Joe Benavides: Peggy supporters going very, very negative. They are scared. Good sign Joe Benavides!.
Rumor has it they are supporting Peggy Banales and she is is really slipping. For the Caller to cross Maximum Manuel she must be in trouble. Joe has a shot. Go get them Joe! All vets are behind you and your sons in Iraq are as brave as you are. time for transparent government.
Comments - Show Original Post Collapse comments
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
Why is Shamsie calling
February 5, 2008 10:13 PM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
Let the negativeers come out and play.
I was wondering WATT was taking them so long and also by all means lets hear the other sides POV.
Please do not censor any comments as we are aptly prepared to respond.
February 5, 2008 10:16 PM
thank the Lord. Like a knight in shining armor the truth of Kenedeno is back! Can you imagine Delmar and Corpus with their obvious connections to Lencho, Joseph the lackey nephew and Terry Shamsie himself with the devil Iraqi contractor Ken Chastain. Chastain is already trying to intimidate Joe Benavides.
Play nice. It's time for change. Peggy needs to do one term like Shamsie and get out while the getting is good. Does Peggy really want to subject herself and her associates she helped give money to in Robstown really want all this to break.????Don't be fulls. Jaime: Tell them.
February 5, 2008 10:32 PM
Blogger themericanprince said...
We hear you Homero. Let them come. They think that they will be effective. The old dirty politics techniques are not that effective anymore. How can you hide the facts and figures. Shamsie prided himself on a budget he used for his own purposes but 12.5 raise for commissioners while officers are doding bullets for the county for a paltry 5%. Bad move. Bad move. The Library to nowhere? Where are the books. Why did Peggy give all the money to Robstown and rubberstamp Shamsie and Ortiz? These facts will not stand so go ahead Joseph, go ahead Shamsie fire away. It will backfire in a way that is simply unimaginable.
February 5, 2008 10:38 PM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
Are you guys feeling lucky today?
Well are ya?
February 6, 2008 1:07 AM
Blogger dannoynted1 said...
OMG~ Shams needs to watch the reruns of his Nueces County Commish meetings,most of the time he did not even wait for anyone to second his motions.
I remember a few where no one seconded and the idiot passed it anyway and no one stopped his monologue.
95% of the people do not know about that motion, right Shams?
This dude hid from me how many times Sham?
Contribute and defend your actions or lack thereof, pay is essential but so was Va Kay right?
Who gets paid to do nothing?
Randy Delay? Guess he is a wee P/O verdad?
Awe, pay him the 1.3 mill yourself.
School to prison pipeline and the prison hospitality industry is an outstanding way to contribute.
What a sham under the guise of "contribute" to the future.
Action like that you might have a future in Hollywood.
February 6, 2008 2:17 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why is Ruben Bonilla supporting Joe? Does it have to do with Judge Banales and a certian court opinon? Look into it Kenedenos
February 6, 2008 6:04 PM
Blogger dannoynted1 said...
Look into it? Sounds like you have the scoop so why duplicate what your source has already done.
Why should any Kenedeno care that JB has a certain supporter?
Who replaced Shams and at least I can say that Shams never held a "State of the county" event and did not invite the County.
Underwriting the Bonds paid by the taxpayers is OWNED by the Taxpayers.
Exactly Watts up with "search directives"?
February 7, 2008 12:47 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Better question: why are the county employees backing Joe Benavides? Because Peggy helped screw them. They work in the most dangerous situations and the City cops get paid 30 or more an hour while the County guys starve and Peggy says 'Let them eat cake!'. Shamsie is back? Doesn't he know when to back out. Rumor has it he is more bitter than ever and will always hate Filemon Vela for turning Republican. He chose not to run because Filemon pulled out to go Republican and Shamsie knew he couldn't win without him. Why is he supporting Peggy? Keep the skeletons in the closet! That's why. Peggy is running for cover. Do every dirty Shamsie trick in the book. It won't help. You are busted Peggy. You abused the taxpayers trust. Shame on you Paycheck Peggy and on Shameful Shamsie. Keep up the blog and do not edit Kenedenos or block. Please.
February 9, 2008 12:59 AM
Blogger themericanprince said...
be careful dannoyted one. Kingsville wanted to mess with you. careful. A friend. and watch out for Judge Cox here. A friend.
February 10, 2008 11:38 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Shamsie becoming an accountant for the school district in Robstown. So much for retirement. I smell CORRUUUUUPPTION. Lencho setting up a Global LLC downtown. Hmmm. Tentacles are back.
February 10, 2008 11:41 PM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
Is that an offer of assistance or do we have to fight these crooks all by ourselves?
Kingsville, John Hubert and the 105th never play by the rules but they expect everyone else to obey each and every rule they dream up whether it is legal or not.
We dont back down to nobody!
When we believe we are right we stand by our beliefs.
When we are wrong we apologize and defer.
We have an illegal hearing on Feb 28 in Kingsville.
Judge Cox on Feb 25
I will be issuing subpoenas out to some of our Legislators and to the CCISD Ivory Tower.
Only a fool is his own lawyer.
Or a little person who every lawyer is afraid to defend.
February 11, 2008 12:19 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Jaime:If I only had the legal training to help. I work at the courthouse and hear things.
February 16, 2008 11:58 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I hear Paycheck Peggy is crapping her pants. Marine Benavides is looking good. Thank God. Calallen finally gets someone in who will spend some money on us. Get this rubberstamp for the Ortiz machine out! Start cleaning out your desk and thanks for fucking my son with that Showbarn fee crap Peggy. Way to go! Why don't you stay home, buy a signature stamper and an inflatable doll and let Oscar Ortiz take all this stuff to the commissioners court and vote for you.?!!!
February 17, 2008 12:01 AM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
"Jaime:If I only had the legal training to help. I work at the courthouse and hear things."
Any information received will be greatly appreciated.
As you know, our information is our life. All information utilized with the utmost discretion to guard the source and to promote confidence and trust that in the end benefits us all.
When we are wrong we take our lumps, when another is wrong we forgive if requested. When another or group of others tries to toss us in the machine and grind us up we will break the grinder for we are Diamonds In the Rough.
And if they can with such enormous effort to investigate and maliciously prosecute my Corazon for 45 dollar dollar bills then surely it appears allegations of 6, 7 and 8 digit discrepancies and misspending would justify / prompt some sort of scrutiny.
An Investigation (Independent) is in Order.
I can even envision handcuffs and freezing of assets with a liz pendens in place for potential future repayment plan.
Human Trafficking (Asian), BND and now he is the "consultant" at NAS Ingleside.
Remember the power at work here guys we are dealing with the Defense Contracts, the Government Vendors, the Shipfitting business and the foreign trade zones to scratch the surface.
This is only the tip of the iceberg.
BTW, I heard Joseph on the radio Friday. My regards to his professionalism and talent.
February 17, 2008 3:11 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
i hear Shamsie owes Joe Benavides
February 18, 2008 10:47 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Joe is kicking ass. Go for it Joe. Anything is better than Peggy and you've earned your keep. The same corrupt people are trying to keep Peggy in including Shamsie and Rendon. Is it SR Global now?
February 26, 2008 6:52 PM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
Shamsie Rendon Global(SR GLOBAL)
SR GLOBAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING & Shipfitting (OSI) specializing in bridges to nowhere and Asian "Red Tape Cutting" Employment Immigration.
February 26, 2008 8:36 PM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
Where are the nosy Investigating Agencies who rejoice in sticking their noses in the minutia of the little people but only up the a$$e$ of the corrupt and powerful.
Los Mamons de la Solomons
February 26, 2008 8:40 PM
Monday, February 4, 2008
In a crazy turn of events Joe Benavides has gotten the endorsement of the Caller Times. Whoa! Benavides on the caller times video deal vowed to not give himself a raise, will do more for kids and will take care of Annaville and Calallen. Recently on Danny Jr's show Peggy was asked that if she represented the west side, Calallen and Annaville why she was voting to have her constituents pay for 4H and the Showbarn? Answer:....(Deer in the headlights). Debates start Friday. People are getting worried. Benavides has her on the ropes. Maximum Manuel better step up. The word is Bill Kelly out there is supporting Joe as well as Joe from Greenwood doors and other players in the game. It will be interesting. Supporters of Peggy include former Judge Shamsie and I hear that the Solomonistas are backing her despite Joe Benavides working on the congressman's campaign. Damn shame. Guess the Solomonistas have a helluva a short memory. Rumor is one prominent judge walked out of a meeting where little Solly Jr. was telling everyone to support Peggy. Ouch. That's gratitude for you.
Comments - Show Original Post Collapse comments
Blogger dannoynted1 said...
give that man a cigar.
$43 dollars pays for potted meat and bread for 13, maybe a week.
February 4, 2008 11:58 PM
Blogger Corpus said...
Wow, I heard that Joe B. has been asking the Solomonistas and Chuy Hinojosa camp for you think they are really going to help him after he supported the Noyolas; Barbara Canales Black, and Vilma Luna? Is he a DINO himself? what a joke that guy is, he has wanted to run for everything in this county but dog catcher. He is the last guy that should be questioning any ones loyalty. He is being supported and bank rolled by prominent republican fundraiser, Fil Vela. So is joe a Democrat, or a Velacrat? How is that for transparency. Bill Kelley is supporting Joe B., Great more Republican support. The icing on the cake was that he got the endorsement of the Calller Times......I dont even need to further touch that one. The fair grounds, how manny kids from callallen, TM, and the annaville area have enjoyed the center during the nueces county livestock show.....if Joe B is really against the fairgrounds, then he is against progress. Not too mention the good work that will come out of the Library. We all know the mess that he created in Robstown before, he back for seconds? Joe, you worked at the courthouse before, it didnt work out then either right? Guess your leadership just isn't up to par?
February 5, 2008 3:23 PM
Blogger Corpus said...
J. B.
People would vote for him, IF he could keep a job. He has been fired from his job at the county, after Shamsie got him the job. Since then, he has lost two more jobs.
The only problem with Peggy Banales is she is too nice. But watch out, she will hit J.B. hard in the next coming weeks. After that, J.B. can crawl back to his republican friends.
February 5, 2008 4:12 PM
Blogger Delmar54 said...
Where does Joe "$5" Flores fit in this? I hear he has been working underground with the Defensor and We the Peoples
February 5, 2008 6:25 PM
Blogger themericanprince said...
corpus and delmar boy, you guys must be shitting your pants. show your names. be men or women.
February 5, 2008 9:37 PM
Blogger themericanprince said...
Shamsie is that you? I heard you are getting involved. Back off. You don't want people looking into your deals.
February 5, 2008 9:58 PM
Del Mar and Corpus bloggers: It is obvious you are Joseph the nephew of Lencho and Terry Shamsie. You people are very scared because Peggy voted to give you guys deals. As I pass by Terrie Shamsie Blvd it is obvious. I stand alone I do not need John Kelley or JOe Flores. Although Joe is a good man. Shamsie you should be cautious. There is a lot of corruption that must be exposed involving you and Banales.
February 5, 2008 10:11 PM
Corpus and Del Mar: scared. Corpus Christi Caller Times has realized that change is good. After all Joe Benavides did for you all yet greed and money control you. I pity you.
February 5, 2008 10:13 PM
Blogger dannoynted1 said...
Wow Corpus, I was unaware that Joe B. used to work for the County.
In what capacity?
February 5, 2008 10:15 PM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
Wow, brown bag specials and two who cower behind a keyboard. Lets see how long they will last.
February 5, 2008 10:33 PM
Blogger dannoynted1 said...
Corpus, I liked Vilma Luna, she worked for her constituents,which I was.
I am disappointed that fellow "yellow dogs" is/are not helping each other because the only way to conquer is through subdivision.
So much for "bonus points".....a wise woman active in political elections once told me: " not do anything for any one running for office unless they pay you."
I said: "...but,I was told if they win I would be paid or I would have a JOB."
WW: "....listen to me,I have been told the same thing and now they regret not paying me when they said they would. If they pay you take the money, because they are/will pay someone."
Wise advice but when a man gives my man his word and pays him $43 dollars for a 43K JOB, I believe his credit is bad and his word is futile. And I want to know....
"Where my money at?"
"Where my money at?"
February 5, 2008 10:37 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
WoW, sounds like hearts are beating faster,and palms are getting sweaty. Must mean one thing... Joe Benavides has people running scared. They underestimated him, He is an honest guy, and does not have to stoop down to mud slinging to win this election. His opponent managed to tie herself all up in knots,and she did it all on her own. Thus giving Joe the "green light" to proceed full speed ahead. He will win by sticking to the "clear facts". Joe B. You knew they would get scared and start digging for dirt. However, we are proud that you are taking this like a real trooper and not throwing "MUD" back at them. Just sit tight and remember your opponents record this past 3 years speak for itself. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! People are smart and can finally see the light!!
February 5, 2008 10:38 PM
Blogger themericanprince said...
Corpus is a for a lack of a better word: LIAR. must be as they say Joseph or Lencho or Soloministas who are inappropriately backing her. You alienate your own based people. Even little Solly told people to vote for Peggy. A district Judge let us know that. That will cost you votes. Guaranteed. Big mistake. Stay away from Peggy. Do what Solomonistas do best, turn your back on people that are going down in flames. Buy all the commentarios you want. Can't hide the screwed up deal on big raises, the Robstown deals, and the corruption. It is going to explode on all the Solomonistas and hurt Solly the most. Think about it. Keep pushing and all of us will push back even harder. You think you can scare honest voters and an honest man like Joe Benavides. Please remember he knows exactly how the Solomonistas operate. I think a corruption investigation should be looked into. What say you dannoyted and Kenedeno??? Help even out those boneheads and liars corpus and delmar54 aka solomonistas.
February 5, 2008 10:44 PM
Blogger dannoynted1 said...
Now back to JB, I am sure that is is within the scope of a candidate to ask any and all people to "help".
But that being said,I wonder why those that abstained and could have helped but did not were rewarded?
JB has said to me and members of mi familia that he is a "yellow dog democrat" which means he will support Peggy if he should lose the primary to her.
Do you really think the Solomonistas camp helpand support anybody but the dELAY's and the TAKSation of public education and increasing the prison population and experimental "vitapro" food additives?
That is where the money is, who will whistle blow, an inmate?
Yeah the really care about their conditions.
February 5, 2008 10:50 PM
Blogger themericanprince said...
anonymous speaks the truth. at the end of the day Peggy at the worst knew of all the deals and at the best stood by complacently and in her emptyheaded fashion and allowed all the crooks in Robstown to steal from the county coffers. Enough of corruption. Enough. Joe Benavides needs to go in there. Go Joe!!!! You have them very scared. Bring it on corpus and DelMar54. We know who you are. YOu have been identified. In a few days you guys will be revealed. Peggy, talk to your people and Shamsie and the goons aren't helping you.Ha ha. You are gonna get your ass kicked lady.Looooosers.
February 5, 2008 10:51 PM
Blogger dannoynted1 said...
Perhaps Peggy should work harder at bringing a Law School to Corpus Christi, that way she and those similarly situated will be able to "fit the bill" and "measure up" to the "close personal friends" that seem to benefit by abandoning clients and working for the prosecution to secure and coverup their (state)fabricating and manufacturing evidence.
Talk about conspiracy.
Or is it plenary power?
Hmmmmmmmmmmm......let us ask SCOTUS.
February 6, 2008 12:45 AM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
Where did you guys go?
Come out and play
You gotta keep'm separated
They're like the latest fashion
They're like a spreading disease
The kids are strappin' on their way to the classroom
Getting weapons with the greatest of ease
The gangs stake own campus locale
And if they catch you slippin' then it's all over pal
If one guy's colors and the other's don't mix
They're gonna bash it up
Bash it up x3
Hey, man you talkin' back to me
Take him out
You gotta keep'em separated
Hey, man you disrespecting me
take him out
You gotta keep'em separated
Hey, they don't pay no mind
If you're under 18 you won't be doing any time
Hey, come out and play
By the time you hear the siren
It's already too late
One goes to the morgue and the other jail
One guy's wasted and the other's a waste
It goes down the same as the thousand before
No one's getting smarter
No one's learning the score
Your never ending spree of death and violence and hate
Is gonna tie your own rope
Tie your own rope
Tie your own
Hey, man you disrespecting me
take him out
You gotta keeep'em separated
Hey, man you talkin' back to me
take him out
You gotta keep'em separated
Hey, don't pay no mind
If you're under 18 you won't be doing any time
Hey, come out and play
It goes down the same as the thousand before
No one's getting smarter
No one's learning the score
Your never ending spree of death and violence and hate
Is gonna tie your own rope
Tie your own rope
Tie your own
Hey, man you talkin' back to me
take him out
You gotta keep'em separated
Hey, man you disrespecting me
take him out
You gotta keeep'em separated
Hey, don't pay no mind
If your under 18 you won't be doing any time
Hey, come out and play
February 7, 2008 1:45 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I love the offspring
February 9, 2008 12:01 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I hear Joseph, paycheck peggy and the solomonistas are going to buy a bunch of commentarios. Real scared. You should have stayed loyal to Joe Benavides. He helped Lencho and Solomon for years. This is how you repay him? You have sewn the world and reaped the whirlwind. God help you all.
February 9, 2008 12:05 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thank you Jaime K for this site and the and blogspot. Your blogs are the only ones that speak true. Chisme is a Solomonista puppet that gives two shits about elections here. Jaime and his wife are real people who bring out the truth. If not them who? ANONYMOUS 12. Onamission where u at girl?
February 9, 2008 12:21 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If I hear just one bad comment or mudslinging attacking Mr. Benavides the Solomonistas and Peggy will not understand what scandal and deals are going to be uncovered. Maybe the San Antonio Express News needs to report about all the crooked deals Banales helped on in Robstown. Come on. Throw the first punch against a veteran with two sons in Iraq. Bring it on Peggy and company. Bring it on!!!!!!!!! Just try to see how hard we can push. The days of Manuel the schoolyard bully are over. New age. New set of rules.
February 9, 2008 12:27 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Peggy gave away the farm to Robstown and left her own people out in the cold. She was the deciding vote on letting Northwest rot and helping out her buddies in Robstown with their shady deals. Corpus and Del Mar 54 have left the building because they have been find out and because they are petrified an investigation should follow. The taxpayers were used. I want my kids to have a new library on the west side too. No more corruption. Joe Benavides the only choice.
February 9, 2008 12:39 AM
Blogger dannoynted1 said...
We are sure Terry Shams knows all about the peccadillo's of the company he keeps.
Did y'all here the silence from the audience when Hillary mentioned his name?
She knew then, that she needed to stay away from any more name dropping
till she knew what was attached.
Where was Johnny?
February 14, 2008 3:13 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Shamsie plays with fire. He was lucky enough to be a muslim elected as county judge right after 9/11. He downplayed his relationship with Islam and pretended to be a Mexican. Now he is rubbing our face in it with his Shamsie Blvd and open corruption. People are sick and tired of it. You could hear a pin drop when Hillary mentioned his name. People HATE him. He was the biggest hypocrite ever. He was voted in as a Democrat and was the worst Republican ever. He cost people jobs to trim the budget then throws out money like candy to his friends in Robstown. Disgusting. Now he's back. People stand up and demand an investigation of he and Rendon. Pressure the District Attorney and Attorney General to look into them!
February 26, 2008 6:56 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yes, my anonymous brother/sister: And don't forget who their commissioner puppet is: Peggy "Paycheck" Banales. She has made it all possible including the port stuff so Lencho can make a gazillion dollars. We of the Kenedeno army shall be watching the documents and following the money and posting all the shady deals and when they try to hide public documents we will be waiting. Transparency in government. Let's see if a disabled vet who didn't put up with their corruption on the RTA board like Joe Benavides will put up with their corrupt shit after they turned their back on him. Same old crowd, Lencho, Shamsie, his suckups Little, the black chick whats her face and Joanne whats her face are trying to keep the deals and wheels going. Shamsie made sure Twila and Little could never be fired by Neil. You have to give him credit. He is corrupt but smart. But even the smartest go down and all the authorities have is time. Valdez must grow balls.
February 26, 2008 7:01 PM
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...
Once again we at Los Kenedenos along with many suppressed products of an old Patron political token reward or livelihood blackball system challenge the Invesatigators to INVESTIGATE the Dealings Of Los Mamons De La Solomons. Lencho Rendon Y La Familia, Shamsie Y Dos Logistics, the BND and the Delay connection not to forget the Ping Lee Cohen and Husband Kenneth incident of Asian Trafficking.
February 26, 2008 10:21 PM
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